Unique Egg Carton Crafts
Craft Responsibly
Here at the Brainy Beginnings HQ, we try to craft responsibly as much as possible. We choose to create projects with recycled materials for multiple reasons. (We, of course buy new items to craft with;
doing so is utterly thrilling! And is frankly hard to resist at times.) But most of the time, we choose recycled materials to create our crafts! And here is why:
1. Kids love using recycled materials! They enjoy seeing something change into something else! It is a magical experience!
2. Recycled materials such as cardboard, toilet paper rolls, and egg cartons absorb paint well! Paint colors look vibrant and stay true to the intended color!
3. You save money! What else is there?
4. You decrease your negative impact on the environment. Anytime we can do this, we should!
In order to create crafts from recycled materials, you must save your leftover containers and amass a collection over time. Here at the BBN HQ, we save egg cartons, milk cartons, newspaper, cardboard boxes, cereal boxes, lids of all shapes and sizes...basically anything and everything! Yes, storage of these items does become a nuisance but consider where they would end up otherwise!
One of my favorite go to recycled materials is the MIGHTY EGG CARTON! Despite it's distinct shape, the egg carton is really versatile! Check out some of our egg carton creations below!
Quartz Crystal Vase

This vase is made from a double sized egg carton! It was made to look like a quartz crystal! You can put a cup of water inside and stick plant stems in it to create a vase!
Sparkly Bouquet

We made this bouquet from egg cartons, glitter, paint, glue and clothespins! They work as bookmarks too!

Egg carton eggs! Seems intuitive, eh? These are fun to make and make great play food for the kiddos! They function as mini puzzles too!
Sweet Piggies, Troughs, and Hay

We made the piggies, hay and troughs from the very same egg carton! These are also finger puppets!
Venus Fly Trap

Here we made a Venus Fly Trap! It is made from a single egg carton. At the base is salt dough dirt! (More on that later!)
Little Strawberries

These little strawberries make great play food and they are fun to make!

Egg cartons make great stamps! We made pillows from the egg carton stamped fabric.

Thank you for checking out our post! Try some recycled material crafts with your kiddos! It is great fun!