Kandinsky Rocks
The weather is changing and we are spending our time outdoors. In the last week, we have been to three creeks, not to mention multiple parks and the beach! As we head outdoors more frequently, we search for crafting materials. Using natural materials for crafting is not only inspiring but eco friendly! Nature provides the very best materials that do not require manufacturing. What's more? Your creations will always be unique. A total win.
Walking through a creek begs for rock collecting. We have filled our pockets and bags to the brim with various rock shapes. Comparing rock types among creeks is something we have become fond of. Knowing where to find certain shapes and sizes, provides us with a template for creation. For instance, one of our creeks provides very flat, small and angular rocks. This is likely a type of shale. It's perfect for creating Rock Books, Rock Stack Burgers, and our Kandinsky Rocks background.

We found the rounder stones slightly out of the riparian zone of the creek. These round stones are likely river rocks used in a gravel composite. They are small, smooth and well suited for stacking!

You can see here how the two types of rocks we used were very different. In this case, knowing the types of rocks available in our creeks and parks, allowed us to design this piece of art following the lead of artist, Wassily Kandinsky.
Kandinsky was an interesting artist. His work was arguably quite varied. He created numerous woodcuts, and pieces with very muted tones. He moved on from these more coherent pieces to something far more radical. He began to play with bright, bold colors, geometric shapes and distorted lines. He ultimately would become known as an Expressionist artist, paving the way for the Abstract Expressionism Movement.

Kandinsky, Squares with Concentric Circles, 1913
We took our inspiration from the piece above, noting the defined perimeter of the squares juxtaposed concentric circles in largely complimentary colors. We thought it would be fun to recreate this contrasting piece using our rocks! And it was! Juju loved painting and stacking the rocks. This piece also works well as a puzzle!
*Various rocks (flat, round, smooth)
*Acrylic paint in desired colors
*Foam brushes
1. Lay the flat rocks out, creating a flat canvas. We wanted to do nine total squares, 3 rows of each. We found larger stones necessitating paint to create a division.

2. Wash and clean the rocks thoroughly. Allow to dry.
3. Paint the flat stones. Once dried, decide how to place the round rocks in stacks.
4. Paint in contrasting colors.

4. Once dried, assemble and admire.
We hope you have enjoyed our musings! Don't forget to get out in the world and explore nature. It is the single most invigorating, inspiring and educational thing you can do. Also, take your kids! Have a wonderful day!

Also check out our Picasso Rocks!