Dutch Clog Softies
I remember learning about the tradition of the wooden clogs and Sinterklaas while in Kindergarten. We were told to place our shoes outside of the door against the wall in anticipation of finding them filled with goodies! My interest has been piqued ever since! As an adult I'm far more intrigued by the design of the wooden clog. The shape, the intricate paintings across the top and sides, and the craftsmanship all have moved me to find a vintage pair of my own!

I decided to create this pair of Dutch Clog Softies for the Sew- A-Softie initiative by Trixi Symonds. This initiative was started to ignite the love of sewing in children. I support this wholeheartedly. Sewing was one of the earliest skills I learned. And it has been one of the most valuable, in my opinion. I'm thrilled to be able to pass on this skill to my daughter.

Now I must mention, we did use a machine to sew our softie but it could easily be done by hand. It does not require much sewing. (Also important to note, we used hot glue to apply the designs on top for the purpose of time saving. However hand stitching the design on would elevate this project tremendously. Definitely recommend going that route if time allows!)
Let's get started!
Shall we?
*Fabric of choice (1/2 yard is plenty!)
*Hot glue/gun
*Pattern & Pattern
1. Download and cut out pattern.
2. Fold your fabric over on to itself to create 4 layers. Pin the shoe piece with the words "front" down. Cut it out. Note the dotted line on the shoe pattern. Cut 4 more pieces from the dotted line over in the direction of the arrow. These pieces are the inner lining of the shoes. It is not intended to line the entire shoe.
3. Now fold fabric over once to create 2 layers. Pin down the pieces that says "top". Cut out.

4. Press (with an iron) the wide side of the "top" pieces by folding over twice. Sew across the pressed piece.
5. Sew the "top" of the shoe to each side. Begin sewing at the point of the "top" piece and the point of each shoe side (or the "front" area of the shoes as indicated on the pattern).
It will look like this:

6. Now flip the shoe over to the back side where the exposed seams are. Lay one liner piece on the inner side of the shoe. See below.

7. Sew the liner piece in. Repeat on the other side. Your shoe will look like this from the top

8. Fold the the shoe in half with the right sides (or the outside of the shoe) together. Pin it together. Pin a long piece of yarn into the heel portion of the shoe. When you flip it out, it will be on the outside.

9. Sew all the way around the outside, liner included. Do not sew the area with the black dots in the diagram below. Be sure to tuck the yarn in as you sew.

10. Turn the entire pieces out. Cut out felt pieces for the design and sew (or glue) them on. Make pom poms and attach them to the ends of the yarn if desired. Stuff Poly Fil into the front of the clog.
Hang on the wall! Fill with goodies!