Agate Slice Necklace
You know those beautiful agate slices? The ones that are gold plated and fabulous? Let's make our own! Our version is environmentally friendly, cheap and so, so similar in appearance!

* 2 cups of flour
* 1 cup of warm water
* 1 cup of salt
* mixing bowl and spoon
* Paint of your color choice
* Cookie sheet
* Parchment paper
* Metallic thread
* Mod Podge
Preheat oven to 225 degrees Fahrenheit.
1. Mix the flour, salt, and warm water together in a bowl.
You want the salt dough to be malleable. Ideally, the dough will not stick to your fingers or crack while playing with it. If these things happen, add more flour or water respectively, to achieve the desired consistency.

2. To make 8 agate slices, approximately 2 inches in length and 1 inch in width each, you will need about a handful of salt dough (extremely scientific measurements, eh?)
3. Begin by rolling the salt dough into a log. Slice the log into 8 sections, each section will become an agate slice!
4. Take one piece and flatten it. Create an asymmetrical shape that is slightly longer than it is wide. Pinch the edges and create a slight well it the center.

5. Cut the center out of each slice with a knife. The more irregular the edges the better! Precision is not needed in this activity! Isn't that swell?

6. Place the slices on a cookie sheet and let bake for about 2-3 hours. They need to be completely hard before you begin the finishing process. Put them in the oven on 225 degrees Fahrenheit and forget about them! Don't forget to set your timer though! If they are still not solid when you pull them out, let them sit over night. They should set up by then.
7. After the slices are completely hard, and cooled, begin the painting process! This part is so fun! Let the kids pick out their favorite colors and go wild! To achieve a more realistic agate slice, you will need to have variation on color, typically with bits of white throughout the slice.
8. When the agate slice is painted and dry, use a glue gun to put a bead of glue around the perimeter. Roll the glued section into a bowl of gold glitter to create a gold plated look! You can also shake the glitter onto the glued section of the slice.
9. Drizzle Mod Podge over the glittery edge of the slice with a paint brush. Let that set for a minute or two. You want the Mod Podge to seal the glitter not let that glitter escape! After the Mod Podge sets the glitter in place, paint Mod Podge on the rest of the slice. Even the Mod Podge out over entire surface. Let it dry before painting the other side with Mod Podge.
10. Cut your thread to your desired length. We used this fun glittery thread! You can click on the picture to purchase! (Aff link) Finish the thread edge by making a loop. This will keep the end of the thread from unraveling! To wear the necklace, simply tie a bow in the back!