Nutty Angels
I looked up from my spot at the dining room table to find a bowl of nuts. It appeared my husband had devoured all the so called "best" nuts in the bowl. There were two ways I could've looked at that situation. A. I could've been ticked that he didn't share any of those pecans with me ORRR B. I could begin to craft with the low lives of the nut bowl.

As I grabbed the almonds and hazelnuts from the bowl to lay before me, I noticed a distinct wing shape appear. It seems I had my very own Jesus-Of-The-Burned-Toast moment... (have you seen that?) only this was with nuts. And it wasn't Jesus but an angel... A Nutty Angel to be exact.
*Almonds - 3 per angel
*Hazelnuts - 1 per angel
*6" Piper cleaners
*Corded ribbon
*Hot glue/gun
1. Glue the hazelnut onto one of the almonds.
2. Glue wings on either side.

3. Paint! We went with a neutral palette but by all means branch out into whatever direction moves you! Let dry.
4. Cut piper cleaner in half. Make a circle at the top- leave a stem. Glue to the back of the Angel's head, in the center.

5. Cut a three or four inch piece of ribbon and attach with glue to either side of the halo.
6. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday!

Be sure to check out our other nutty ornaments!