Fancy Faces
Recently we were approached by Eleanor from Mini Mad Things. She is launching a new hashtag on Instagram, #makecreateplay. The idea behind this launch is to encourage children and their adults to recycle and use eco friendly materials for crafting and playing together. Now if that isn't exactly what we here at Brainy Beginnings are attempting to do, then I don't know what it is were are doing here. My point is, that's exactly our philosophy. Naturally, we answered with a resounding, YES.

From Eleanor of Mini Mad Things:
"The concept behind #makecreateplay is that you and your little ones create activities or crafts that they can then play with. In a world of over-consumption I would like to encourage people to use recycling, found natural objects, simple household materials or craft supplies in creative ways to create play. It could be a magic wand, an educational game, a cardboard dolls house or a rocket to the stars! Use your imagination and you decide."
We simply could not resist this amazing opportunity to broaden our goals and ideally, inspire a new way of thinking. This week, we made some very Fancy Faces! They absolutely crack me up! The kids had an incredible time making them during our #homeschool group. We talked about light and the mechanics of a camera during science. So, I told them we would do portraits of our Fancy Faces after we created them. It was a chance to discuss the sources light and lighting, the speed of light and much more. But perhaps more importantly, it was an opportunity to act like a total goofball while expressing ourselves!

Check out Charlie's bolero-pork pie(esque) hat and bowtie!

If this doesn't just pull your cheeks akimbo...nothing will.

These two! Goodness gracious. Her tiara is oh-so-appropriate. And those matching pearls? Try to stop that fancy girl.
*Acrylic paints
*Hot glue gun/glue
1. Draw out a face shape on the back side of your cardboard. Cut it out. Hold it up to your child's face to see the approximate size to remove from the middle. Cut out the middle.
2. Create various hats, bowties, earrings, glasses (naturally we made a monocle)...really whatever suits your fancy child.

3. Hand the kiddos the paint and let loose! Once the pieces are painted and dried, glue them together. Enjoy the messy process!
Here is one of my favorite Fancy Faces:
