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Heart Tambourine

Music makes everything better. It's seems to be apart of our human condition to want to express ourselves concurrent powerful vibrations of sound. Whether you like to sing, dance or play an instrument, music plays a vital role in humanity. Now consider making your very own music! You can make beautiful music with these tambourines and it's downright easy! Make these Heart Tambourines for your special friend, make one for yourself, make them for your family members. Gather together and play your tambourines with jubilation!

The shape of these tambourines makes them super easy to hold! Grab them at the top of the heart and shake away. It works surprisingly well. I might even venture to say, easier to hold than a standard tambourine. I mean that's bold but I'm going there.

Naturally we busted out the Darn Good Yarn for this project, cause, well, look at it! It's absolutely gorgeous yarn and it is made ethically and sustainably. After doing some research on the company, I've become further impressed. From Good Company, an online resource promoting innovative companies seeking to do good in the world, "The company’s uses offcuts and discards from garment factories – all material that would normally end up in a landfill – to produce its goods, resulting in yarns made from sari silk, banana fibers, hemp, and newspaper. Darn Good Yarn employs women in India and Nepal and allows them to work from home while earning a living wage."

You can purchase Darn Good Yarn here.

Use this code for 15% off your order: BRAINY_BEGINNINGS_15

Let's get started on this musical number!




*Medium size bells



1. Draw a heart shape on a piece of cardboard. Cut it out. You may want to double this process and glue together if your cardboard is particularly flimsy.

2. Repeat the shape inside the heart leaving about an inch margin. Cut the center heart out of the larger heart.

3. Cut a piece of yarn. The length will depend on how big your heart is and how much you'd like to wrap/cover the cardboard.

4. Cut a small slit in the outer portion of the heart for the end of your yarn. Slide the end in and begin to wrap the heart!

5. At this point you may begin to slide the bells on as you wrap. Alternately, wrap the heart entirely and hot glue the bells in place. I tried both of these methods and discovered that the sound of the bell was best with the non glue option. However gluing the bells was far easier and if the bells are large enough the glue will not dampen the sound.

Optional: Adorn your tambourine with more yarn, additional poms, paint, etc. Get creative!

We hope you love your Heart Tambourine as much as we do!

Be sure to check out our Heart Rock, Heart Fans and many other #Valentines ideas!


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