Hot Air Balloon Seashells
Nestled in our cork baskets, we see the broadening landscape. The houses, streets and vehicles take on a pointillism similar to a Henri-Edmond Cross painting. The green is immense speckled in red, orange, blue. We drift swiftly now as the wind blows from the north. It is a sensory indulgence. Our spirits are lifted as we enter into the blue space. It is now time for wine and cheese.

My daughter and I had a blast making these Hot Air Balloon Seashells. I am convinced you and your kiddos will feel the same! Grab the shells and paint and let's drift off, shall we? You could extend this activity by having your children write a story to go along with their Hot Air Balloon!
Clam shells
Acrylic paint
Paint brushes
Hot glue/gun
Wooden beads
1. With a clean shell in front of you, begin to paint on whatever design you like!
2. Continue until you are happy with your clam balloon! Allow the shell to dry completely.
3. Cut two pieces of twine about 3 inches longer than the height of your shell.

4. Glue the pieces of twine onto the shell. Now cut a long piece of twine to wrap around the top perimeter of the shell plus about 4 inches. Glue it down. Don not glue all the way down to the bottom of the shell. Leave about 0.5 inch, or less depending on the size of the shell.

5. Begin to glue on the cork basket. Use the center string as your guide. With the cork basket bottom up, add a line of glue down the basket. Press twine firmly into it. Repeat until all the twine is glued to the cork. Let dry.
6. Turn the cork upside down and glue the twine to the bottom, overlapping the pieces.

7. Once all the twine is glued to the bottom of the cork, add a blob of glue and your wooden bead. Hold firmly until the glue is dried.

8. Trim off the ends of the twine.
Finally, flip the shell over, and glue down the loose ends of twine from the top.

Add a loop to hang!
Time to start your imagination engine! Where are we drifting off to now?

Have a wonderful day!