Magritte Assemblage
If you've been following along with Brainy Beginnings for awhile, or even a short time now, you may realize we are big time art lovers. While we generally love a good mind bending artist like Hieronymus Bosch (taking it old school), we do love the classics. Dali, Van Gogh, Renoir, Kandinsky all make very interesting subjects to discuss in #homeschool!
I've been thinking about how I want to introduce Rene Magritte. Magritte is a Belgian Surrealist artist. He is known for placing objects in seemingly random places. I considered making another Artist "Rocks" piece like this one for Picasso and this one for Kandinsky. But I felt that I wanted to create an activity that was more accessible to little ones. So, we busted out the paper, scissors, and glue to do our best Magritte impersonation.
Read more about Magritte here.

Basically, I'd like to make 1000 of these with the kids. I also thought they might look lovely in frames! And as a set! They required minimal effort and the overall effect, in my opinion, is quite fun!
What do you think? Are you going to try it out?
*Construction paper in light blue, green, black, beige and white
1. Look at Magritte's pieces. Consider his use of color, composition and presentation. We choose to draw out the ubiquitous blue background, green apples, bowler hats and clouds.
2. Cut shapes from your construction paper to resemble Magritte's random objects.
3. Look for things around the house that you can trace. We used a vitamin lid for the apples, free cut trees and I made a template for the little men.

5. Glue the pieces on. I think the more random the pieces lay on the paper, the better! It is so fun to watch the little ones create this type of work.
6. Step back and admire the surreal piece you created! Talk about Magritte at parties! Everyone will marvel in your knowledge. Cheers, friends.
