Stained Glass Windows
If you've been with us for some time now, you will know we love using natural materials to craft with. We love to do so because a) it's inexpensive or free b) using natural materials helps us learn about the world around us and c) nature crafts are environmentally friendly. With those reasons in mind, crafting can be accessible to most everyone. You do not need a lot of money to create something beautiful. You only need step outside and collect nature bits 'n bobs...or in this case, petals and leaves.

This craft begins with a simple cereal box and ends with a stunning "windowpane". Hang this in your window or place it on shelf. Let the sun shine through this piece. You will see just how stunning the flora can be! Read on for the full DIY!
Cereal box
Contact paper
Box cutter
Hole punch
Petals and leaves
1. Cut cereal box apart. You want to keep the front and back panels. You can create TWO stained glass windows from one box.

2. Use the box cutter to create a design in your panel. You can draw it out first. Do so on the printed side of the box. Remove the shapes from the box.

3. Cut out a piece of contact paper equal to the size of the panel. You will need two of these pieces of contact paper.
4. Lay the contact paper on the NON PRINTED side of the box . Press firmly.
5. Begin to layer in the petals. Again, press firmly.

6. Leave an area around each of the sections with petals. This will give your back piece of contact paper something to hold on to.
7. Continue applying petals and leaves. Try doing two different colored petals or leaves in one section! It looks remarkably stained glass-like!

9. When you have completed your design, add the back piece of contact paper. Press firmly to get a good seal in-between sections.
10. Use your hole punch to punch out two holes in the top. Thread yarn through the top holes to hang. Tie the pieces together. Alternately, you can thread one long piece in and simply tie it together at the top.

One thing to consider is: the wetter the petal, or thicker the petal, the more moisture will accumulate in-between the contact per. Choosing smaller, less dense petals will help improve the duration of time you can keep this project. You could also try using dried flowers! In that case, it will last for a very long time!
